Myorenji House

Myorenji House


It is a house of three floors made by the ferroconcrete make built on the site of pentagonal on a gently rolling hilly country. As for the entire forming, the solid of five corner type of the shape of the site was decided from the shape cut out diagonally according to a slash limitation on the north side. An internal composition is a room space where all places is open to avoid subdividing in the room. The shut space such as bedrooms adopts the composition in an old house where it is partitioned with fittings etc. , and family's sign is always felt. Because random open mouth to secure ventilation and lighting and the entire complex shape,it is an one room but not homogeneous.
施工  :横溝工務店
所在地 :横浜市神奈川区
用途  :専用住宅
竣工年 :2004年
掲載誌 :『狭小住宅PART6』掲載
受賞  :第12回空間デザインコンペティション B.作品例部門(銅賞)対象作品
Architects: Junichi Sampei/A.L.X.
Structral engineers: Kume Structural Research & Development Office
Photographer: Toshihide Kajihara
Location: Yokohama, Japan
Structure: Reinforced concrete; 3stories
Total floor area: 92m2
Completion date: 2004
Publishing magazine: LIVING SPHERES a Cozy House vol.29 Prize: The 12th Space Design Competition Work Third Prize